Stock Images Blog

July 5, 2023

Why Stock Photos Work: Make them work for Your Brand

Why Stock Photos Work: Make them work for Your Brand

As a brand owner, you know that visuals play a crucial role in your marketing efforts. They are what attract people's attention, communicate your message and differentiate you from your competitors. It can take a lot of time and money to create original graphics. This is why will come in useful.

Stock photos are images which can be used for a variety of purposes. These include use on websites, blogs and social media. Stock photos are sourced primarily from agencies or photographers who have a vast collection of images suitable for commercial usage.

While can save you time and money, they often suffer from a bad reputation for not being genuine, overused, or simply cheesy. In this article, we will explore the truth behind and how to make them work for your brand.

Stock photos are a great asset to your brand.

One of the main benefits of using is their affordability. Comparing to hiring a photographer for a customized photoshoot can help you save a great deal of money. The photos are also available in different formats, sizes and resolutions. They can therefore be used to create a range of different marketing materials.

A second advantage to high res stock images images is that they are easily accessible. By searching for images on stock photo sites, you will be able to instantly find millions of pictures in different categories. You will be able to quickly and easily find the visual you need for your next marketing campaign.

The abundance of images available can be a problem. How do you choose an image that resonates with your audience, and represents your brand's values? To make sure you make the most of, you need to learn how to select, customize, and optimize them for your brand.

Choose aligned with your brand's values

One of the biggest concerns of cheap stock photos comes from the absence of authenticity. The public can detect an image which is generic or staged, and does not reflect the real world or its emotions. This doesn't necessarily mean that cannot be impactful or authentic for your brand.

You should consider your brand's values, the audience you are targeting, and why the image is being used. If your brand is about inclusivity or diversity, then you shouldn't use photos which perpetuate stereotypes, nor show only a single demographic. Find images of people who are different in age, gender and ethnicity, or with varying abilities.

If you want to portray emotions, such as power or happiness in your branding, look for photos that are natural and non-cliche. Avoid using overly posed or manipulated images, as they can come across as insincere or manipulative.

Customizing and optimizing good stock pictures your brand

It is important to customise and optimize the primary to meet your specific marketing needs.

Adding text overlays or graphics to a photograph can enhance the brand or the image. When creating an ad to promote a new product you may want to add a coupon code, tagline or call-to action button.

In contrast, optimization is the act of adapting technical elements to suit different platforms or devices. In some cases, the photo may have to be resized for a display ad or cropped for Instagram's square format.

A second way to optimize would be to strategically use them in different campaigns and channels. As an example, you could use the exact same photo to create a post on Facebook or for a blogger article. But, change the copy, design, and platform specifications according to your target audience and platforms.

Making work for your brand

In conclusion, can be a valuable asset for your brand if you know how to select, customize, and optimize them to align with your brand values and marketing goals. Follow these guidelines to get the most out of high res stock photography .

1. Choose primary which are diverse, authentic, and relevant to the brand values of your audience.

2. You can add design elements or a message to royalty free stock photos that makes it unique.

3. You can optimize using their technical features to adapt them for different devices, platforms and campaigns.

4. In order to maximise their visibility, use across multiple channels and campaigns.

You can save money, time and energy by following these simple tips. They will also help your audience to connect with you and your brand.

Useful Resources